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The discovery of an icon, which seems to be crying, launches Elias’ remarkable journey from cemetery caretaker to holy man. While he is on his quest we also follow four other stories of people who have things they want to wish for. Some may seem more important than others but they are all just as human.


In 1970 the people of Karmi in Cyprus participate in an unprecedented experience: the shooting of the film “Beloved”, with Hollywood cast and crew. This documentary functions as a kaleidoscope, transmitting images of that magical time and of the traumatic changes in their lives after the Turkish invasion. Four decades later, they revisit nostalgically those old beloved days.


A death defying, life affirming odyssey. The thrilling story of George Andreou and his epic and spiritual journey of reaching the world’s highest mountain peak.


A fifteen-year-old boy is trying to survive in a world without love. Adults are absent and his peers are threatening. As his immediate environment crumbles, young Grigoris tries to stand up and face his surrounding environment, with his teenage innocence and courage being his only weapons.


Young Dimitris, on the verge of manhood yet very much still a child, has romanticized his absent father to mythic proportions. When his father is finally released from prison, Dimitris’ dream of family happiness is more lucid than ever, yet it immediately transforms. While fighting to keep everything he wished for, he has to face an unprecedented form of violence.


Inspired by a true story, ‘The Parrot Lady’ is an artistic contemplation on a woman’s life who chose to live on the streets with her parrots, afraid of dying alone in her home.


A Greek former diving champion and an eccentric German backpacker take an adventurous road-trip of rediscovery from Bari to Bavaria. THE MAN WITH THE ANSWERS is a picture-postcard travelogue about the familial ties that bind, the boys that catch our eye, and the twists and turns that lead us home.


Under the hot Greek sun, the animateurs at an all-inclusive island resort prepare for the busy touristic season. “Nonna” Kalia is the leader of the pack. Paper decors, glossy costumes, characters reminiscent of famous pop personas and dance shows fill the hotel’s stage. As summer intensifies and the pressure of their everyday grind builds up, Kalia’s nights turn violent and her wild summer story is revealed in the darkness. But when the spotlights are turned on again, her show must go on.


Theoharis, an elderly and lonely man, takes refuge every evening in the hospital to spend the night on the benches and chairs of the outpatients’ wing. Every morning he returns to his house, where his only companion is his cat and his memories. One night he is discovered by a young nurse, Evgenia, who tries to learn more about him. Theoharis is initially sceptical and refuses to give her any information. Gradually, however, a relationship of trust between the two begins to build. A film that deals with loneliness, old age and the marginalization of elderly people.