

A love triangle forms between a surrogate mother and the couple whose baby she is pregnant with, when she joins them on a seemingly perfect Greek island vacation. Nothing goes as planned when the truth is revealed about their real intentions and the secrets this island harbours.


In a consumerist society where everything, including man’s best friend, is treated as disposable, everyday people aiding stray dogs remind us what being human(e) is all about. Through their struggles, successes and dilemmas, the documentary exposes the problem and its solutions, while tackling the human condition in the contemporary western world.


Theoharis, an elderly and lonely man, takes refuge every evening in the hospital to spend the night on the benches and chairs of the outpatients’ wing. Every morning he returns to his house, where his only companion is his cat and his memories. One night he is discovered by a young nurse, Evgenia, who tries to learn more about him. Theoharis is initially sceptical and refuses to give her any information. Gradually, however, a relationship of trust between the two begins to build. A film that deals with loneliness, old age and the marginalization of elderly people.

Women of 22

The words of the women who experienced the Asia Minor Disaster are brought to life in an animated female refugee experience.


A group of immigrants arrives in Euroville, a city representing the changing values and society of modern Europe. They stumble upon a corpse which represents the culture and traditions they need to leave behind in order to be assimilated into the new society. The whole film is expended in going from one department to another in a crazy system, trying to establish what is required for them to get rid of the corpse.


Under the hot Greek sun, the animateurs at an all-inclusive island resort prepare for the busy touristic season. “Nonna” Kalia is the leader of the pack. Paper decors, glossy costumes, characters reminiscent of famous pop personas and dance shows fill the hotel’s stage. As summer intensifies and the pressure of their everyday grind builds up, Kalia’s nights turn violent and her wild summer story is revealed in the darkness. But when the spotlights are turned on again, her show must go on.

Snow White Dies at the End

Shown through three different threads, the film is a tale of three groups of humans, one fly, one piglet, one toilet bowl and one city, whose paths cross and impact one another. A story about how tremendously difficult it is to remain honest and true to your own values in a morally corrupt environment.


Abdallah, an Arab Muslim civil engineer married to Irene, a Greek Cypriot woman, is blamed for the collapse of a building in an Arab refugee settlement which causes the death of 7 people. Having been radicalized, Iman and Leila, two young Europeans of Arab origin, are sent to Cyprus, where they organize a terrorist attack at a Forum of European leaders. Michelle, a lonely 17-year old girl, child of a broken family, falls for Angelos, a handsome, domineering young man with racist ideals. Their relationship is strained when Michelle becomes pregnant. Ultimately, the three stories will overlap in an unexpected way.


A trans woman finds herself trapped inside the van of a mysterious man whose intentions are not what they seem to be.

Tsikitigklon, The Fairy and The Man, is a story about the true self we hide, and that the only way to remove the mask we all insist on wearing is through love… and a little magic.